Royal LePage Market Forecast

Market Forecast for Greater Vancouver Royal LePage just released its quarterly market forecast for Canada. The report was issued in a flipbook format, with deliciously satisfying paper rustling noises when you turn the pages. Check out the link below to read the report on the Royal LePage market forecast. Just in case you were […]
Langley and Surrey Condo Owners Need to know about BC Strata Property Act Actionable Changes.

Strata Property Act Changes that affect Langley and Surrey Condo owners On November 2, 2022, the BC Government ended rental and age restrictions for strata properties. Currently, all strata-held properties with age restrictions and/or rental restrictions must remove those restrictions from the bylaws as they can no longer be enforced. Age Restrictions Communities are still […]
These affect you! 2 great changes to the Rules of Co-Operation for BC Real Estate for Sale

If you live or own property somewhere between Whistler to Hope in BC, then the changes to the rules of cooperation affect you. BC is home to over 25,000 licensed realtor members of the 8 Real Estate Boards operating in the province. One of the primary marketing tools used by agents in BC is, […]
Beware of Changes – BC to Introduce 9 Changes to the Real Estate Rules

Seven changes coming soon to the real estate rules in BC Real Estate Rule Changes If you live in BC or are invested in BC real estate, you’ve had a front seat to the unfolding of the drama that is BC’s ever-changing and currently unstable housing market. The BC and Fraser Valley markets went almost […]
Royal Lepage Wolstencroft 2021 Awardee

Director’s Platinum Award 2021 | Liz Penner